Thursday, November 17, 2011

..Kelasss Kau Maaariaa..

Ahaks! pernah tgk cite ni? Lakonan Scha Al Yahya dan Erra Fazira. Tapi bukan nak cite pasai cite ni, tapi nak cakap pasai SUSHI. Apa relevannya dgn Kelass Kau Maria? Alaa..kan Maria tu jd chef celebrities buat sushi. Memang Kelassss la sbb balak Bandi yang terra masak tu..encem gak kan? Hak hak hak..kenapa la Maria tak pasan dia suka Maria..Isk!

Terliur seh..slurpppp!
Okek, melalut sudah. Back to tajuk asal dlm kepala aku iaitu SUSHI. Suka? Aku suka..satu famili suka. Anak2 aku pun gila sushi. Kalau p Sushi King..garu kepala babah tgk anak-anak dia grab piring warna merah..RM5 sepiring okek. Ngeeee. Aku paling suka sushi smoke salman dan ebiko. Pheww..lazat seh! Tapi takde la sokma layan kat Sushi King..kopak kot. Beli yang Jusco punya pun dah Okek.

Em, ada org pertikai - Sushi tu mentah. Sedap ke? Leh makan ke? Em..based on lidah aku ni, aku tak fikir Sushi tu mentah. Nasi dia sure2 la di masak dan kalau lah haiwan2 di atas sushi tersebut adalah mentah, macam la sesenang gigi aku je nak kunyah. Haiwan mentah adalah liat kan? Cuba balik nanti, buka peti, kalau ada sotong mentah, korang kunyah sotong tu..haahaha..kompem terkeluar isi perut. So, aku pun mengoogle..sesat tanya, malu jalan kan? ahaks..salah2..malu tanya, sesat jalan..kan? kalau malu nak tanya orang, Google je la...byk kot info dalam tu. Ni antara :

What types of sushi are raw?
There is no such thing as raw sushi the raw fish component in sushi is actually called sashimi when cooked and combined with the Japanese sticky rice the dish is now called sushi.

dan baca ni :

History of Sushi
Is sushi raw fish? Actually, no. In Japan, raw fish is referred to as sashimi and sushi is anything with vinegar rice. Everyone thinks that sushi equals raw fish but actually it is the sticky rice that makes it sushi. There are many types of sushi that don't include raw fish but instead contain shellfish, cooked fish, and other ingredients.

The origin of sushi is not Japan, but actually 7th century China. People began making sushi to preserve fish by fermentation because there were no refrigerators. Since rice and salt where needed in order to ferment fish, sushi became closely related to rice in Japan. Then, it developed into the current sushi which combine fish and rice.

Sushi is low in fat and nutritious. A typical setting of 7-9 pieces of sushi contains about 350-400 calories. The fish is a wonderful source of protein and also provides a good source for omega-3 fatty acids. Seaweed is rich in iodine and rice provides complex carbohydrates. A wonderful, well rounded eating alternative.

sumber : Sushi Guide

So kalau yang raw, yang macam kita tengok orang jepun makan sotong kureta idup2 tu..di panggil Sashimi (?) lah kan?

And ada juga khabar angin cakap..makan sushi nanti kepala keluar ulat. Em..ada idea? Nanti aku cari ni..secara logik, aku rasa tak logik binatang tu nak idup dalam badan..(?) kan.

1 comment:

MRS. AJ said...

Ye ke? First time dgr cerite ni. Anyway, Usu suka mkn sushi. I loikkkeee...

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